Terms and Conditions


Updated April 10, 2024


This document outlines a legally binding agreement between you, the user, and Slot Game PH. You signify your understanding and acceptance of Slot Game Ph Terms and Conditions by accessing and using our website, https://slotgameph.net, and associated services. If you disagree with any part of these Terms, you must immediately cease using our Services.


  • Company: Slot Game PH
  • Licensing: We are a fully licensed online casino operator regulated by the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR). This ensures fair play, secure transactions, and responsible gambling practices.
  • Our Mission is to provide a safe, exciting, and rewarding online gaming experience. This includes offering a diverse selection of slot games, attractive bonuses and promotions, and exceptional customer support.
  • Contact Information:
    • Phone: (+63) 123-456-789
    • Email: [email protected]
    • Mailing Address: Metro Manila, Philippines


We reserve the right to modify these Terms and Conditions. You will be notified of significant changes in advance, either via the website or email. Continued Use of the Services following modifications implies your acceptance of the updated Terms.


The Services are exclusively for individuals aged 18 years or older. Underage gambling is strictly prohibited.


We advise you to maintain a printed copy of these Terms and Conditions for future reference.


Global Access: Our Services are designed for international audiences. You are responsible for ensuring your Use complies with all applicable laws and regulations within your jurisdiction.


Our Intellectual Property:

  • Ownership: We own or license all rights to the Services, including the design, code, content (text, audio, video, graphics), and associated trademarks and logos. International intellectual property laws protect these elements.
  • Limited License: By using the Services, you are granted a revocable, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license for accessing content for personal business purposes only. Compliance with these Terms is required.
  • Restrictions: Copying, modifying, distributing, or commercially exploiting any part of the Services without our written permission is strictly prohibited.
  • Permissions: Contact us at [email protected] to request special usage permissions.

Your Submissions:

  • Rights Transfer: By submitting feedback or content to us, you assign all intellectual property rights to Slot Game Ph. We may use and distribute these submissions without restriction, acknowledgment, or compensation.
  • Your Responsibilities: You warrant that your submissions are legal, ethical, and original and do not infringe on others’ rights or violate any laws. You also waive relevant moral rights to your submissions. You are solely liable for any consequences arising from your submissions.
  • Account Accuracy: You agree to provide accurate and complete registration information and maintain its accuracy.
  • Legal Compliance: You have the legal capacity to agree to these Terms and will use the Services in compliance with all applicable laws.
  • Age Restriction: You confirm that you are at least 18 (or the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction).
  • Ethical Use: You will not use the Services for illegal or unauthorized purposes, nor will you use automated means to access the Services.
  • Registration: While registration may be required for certain features of the Services, it’s essential to understand the obligations involved.
  • Password Security: You are solely responsible for your password confidentiality. Choose a strong password and never share it. You’ll be held accountable for any activity occurring under your account.
  • Inappropriate Usernames: We can remove or alter any inappropriate username at our sole discretion.
  • Accepted Payment: We accept Visa, Mastercard, and PayPal. Please ensure you provide accurate and up-to-date billing information.
  • Payment Authorization: You authorize us to charge your chosen payment method for all transactions, including applicable shipping fees.
  • Error Correction: We reserve the right to correct pricing errors, even after processing payment.
  • Order Limitations: We have the discretion to limit or cancel order quantities or to restrict orders suspected of being placed by unauthorized resellers.
  • No Refunds: Please note that all sales are final. We do not offer refunds.
  • Authorized Use Only: The Services are intended for their designated purpose. Commercial Use outside of specifically endorsed activities is prohibited.
  • Respect and Integrity: As a user, you agree to act ethically and respectfully towards others and us. This includes refraining from attempts to learn sensitive account information.
  • Security: Do not attempt to circumvent or turn off security features designed to protect the Services and its users.
  • Fair Play: Do not engage in actions that could negatively impact the experience of others, such as spamming or distributing malware.
  • No Automated Interference: Using scripts, bots, or data mining tools to interact with the Services is prohibited.
  • Impersonation: You may not impersonate anyone or use another user’s account.
  • Legal Compliance: You agree to use the Services by all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Disclaimer: The Services currently do not offer features for users to submit or post content. However, if such functionality is added in the future, the following guidelines will apply:
  • Responsibility: You are accountable for the legality and implications of any Contributions you make.
  • Ownership: You must own the rights to your Contributions or have the necessary permissions from the rightful owner(s).
  • Consent: Obtain consent from identifiable individuals featured in your Contributions before sharing.
  • Accuracy: Do not submit false or misleading content.·
  • Sharing Your Feedback: We can use and share any suggestions or feedback you provide about the Services without restriction or compensation to you.
  • Ownership Rights: You retain full ownership of your Contributions, including intellectual property rights. We do not claim ownership.
  • Linking Third-Party Accounts: You may connect your Services account with your accounts on third-party platforms such as social media. This allows us to access and share certain information, as outlined below.
  • Authorization: By linking accounts, you confirm that you have the right to do so without violating the terms of Use of the third-party platforms involved. You also understand that we are not obligated to pay fees or abide by usage restrictions imposed by these third-party providers.
  • Shared Content: We may access and display publicly available content from your linked social media accounts (e.g., profile information, friend lists). This content will be accessible through the Services.
  • Termination of Access: If your third-party account becomes unavailable or our access is revoked, the associated content may no longer be accessible on the Services.
  • Managing Connections: You can turn off the connection between the Services and your third-party accounts anytime.
  • Third-Party Responsibility: Your relationship with third-party service providers is governed by your agreements. We are not responsible for any issues arising from their services.
  • Contact Management: We may access your contact lists on linked accounts solely to identify other service users among your contacts.
  • Disclaimer: We do not monitor, control, or endorse Third-Party Websites or Third-Party Content. We are not responsible for their accuracy, legality, suitability, or other aspects.
  • Your Responsibility: You use Third-Party Websites and Third-Party Content at your own risk. When interacting with external resources, our Terms of Use no longer apply. Refer to the terms and policies of those third-party platforms.
  • Purchases: Any purchases made through Third-Party Websites are transactions between you and the third party. We are not involved and bear no responsibility.
  • No Endorsement: We do not endorse products or services offered on Third-Party Websites. We are not liable for any issues arising from your interactions with them.
  • Advertising Space: We may display advertisements from third parties within the Services.
  • Limited Relationship: Our role is limited to providing space for these advertisements. We are not affiliated with advertisers and do not endorse their products or services.

We reserve the right to manage the Services to ensure a safe and functional user experience. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Monitoring: We may monitor the Services for violations of these Terms.
  • Legal Action: We may take legal action against users violating these Terms or applicable laws, including reporting to law enforcement.
  • Content Management: We may refuse, restrict, or remove any Contributions that violate our Terms, are excessive in size, or could negatively affect the Services.
  • Protection of Rights: We will manage the Services in a way that protects our intellectual property and ensures optimal operation.
  • Importance: We value your privacy. Please carefully review our Privacy Policy [link to Privacy Policy]. It is considered an integral part of these Terms.
  • Hosting and Data Transfer: Our Services are hosted in the Philippines. By using the Services, you consent to transferring and processing your data within the Philippines, even if your local laws differ.
  • Duration: These Terms apply while you use the Services.
  • Termination Rights: We reserve the right to terminate or block your access without notice or liability if you violate these Terms, breach any representations or warranties, or for any other necessary reason. This includes the right to prevent re-registration under a different name.
  • Legal Action: We may pursue appropriate legal action in addition to account termination or suspension.
  • Changes: We may modify the contents or functionality of the Services at any time without prior notice. We are not obligated to provide updates.
  • Interruptions: Hardware, software, or maintenance issues may cause interruptions or temporarily unavailable Services. We are not liable for any inconvenience this may cause.
  • Jurisdiction: These Terms and any related disputes shall be governed by the laws of the Philippines. Both parties agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of Philippine courts for dispute resolution.
  • Informal Negotiation: We prioritize amicable resolutions. Parties agree to attempt informal negotiation of most disputes for at least 30 days before resorting to arbitration.
  • Binding Arbitration: Unresolved disputes shall be settled by arbitration under the International Commercial Arbitration Court, European Arbitration Chamber (Belgium, Brussels). Arbitration will be conducted in English in Manila, Philippines, and will be governed by Philippine law.
  • Class Action Waiver: Arbitration is conducted on an individual basis. Class-action lawsuits and similar procedures are not permitted.
  • Exceptions: Disputes involving intellectual property infringement, privacy violations, theft, or requests for injunctive relief are not subject to mandatory negotiation or arbitration.
  • Disclaimer: While we strive for accuracy, the Services may contain typographical errors, inaccuracies, or outdated information. We reserve the right to make corrections at any time without prior notice.
  • “As-Is” Services: The Services are provided as they currently exist, without guarantees. Your Use of the Services is entirely at your own risk.
  • Disclaimer of Warranties: We disclaim all warranties related to the Services, including guarantees of merchantability (suitability for sale), fitness for a specific purpose, and non-infringement of intellectual property rights.
  • No Responsibility for:
  • Content errors on the Services or linked websites.
  • Injury or damage caused by using the Services.
  • Unauthorized access to our servers.
  • Service interruptions.
  • Bugs or harmful code transmitted via the Services.
  • Errors or omissions in any content.
  • Losses incurred through content posted or shared on the Services.
  • Third-Party Products: We do not endorse or guarantee any products/services offered by third parties advertised on the Services. Transactions with them are your responsibility. Exercise caution and good judgment!
  • No Liability: Under no circumstances will we, our directors, employees, or agents be held liable for any damages (direct, indirect, consequential, incidental, punitive) arising from your Use of the Services, even if we were aware of potential issues.

Your Responsibility to Defend: You agree to protect us (including affiliates, officers, agents, partners, and employees) from any liability, claims, or expenses (including legal fees) brought against us due to:

  • Your Use of the Services.
  • Violation of these Terms.
  • You are breaching any representations you make in these Terms.
  • Infringement of a third party’s rights.
  • Harmful actions against another user.

Right to Assume Defense: We reserve the right, but not the obligation, to take control of our defense in cases where you are obligated to indemnify us at your expense. You agree to cooperate fully.

  • Maintenance: We store necessary data to manage the Services and monitor your usage.
  • Backups: While we perform regular data backups, you are ultimately responsible for your data. We are not liable for any loss or corruption, and you waive the right to take action against us in such situations.
  • Electronic Agreement: Using the Services, emailing us, or filling out online forms signifies your consent to electronic communication. This satisfies legal requirements for written communication.
  • Acceptance of Electronic Forms: You agree to use electronic signatures, contracts, records, and the electronic delivery of notices related to the Services. You waive rights granted by laws that might require original signatures or non-electronic record keeping.
  • Opting Out: To stop receiving our SMS messages, reply “STOP .”You may receive a confirmation message.
  • Support: Contact us at [email protected] or (+63)+63 123-456-789 with any questions or concerns about our SMS communications.
  • Complete Agreement: These Terms and any posted policies represent the whole understanding between you and us.
  • Waiver: Our failure to enforce any part of these Terms does not constitute a waiver of our rights.
  • Rights Assignment: We may assign our rights and obligations to other parties.
  • Acts Beyond Our Control: We are not liable for issues caused by events beyond our reasonable control.
  • Severability: If any part of these Terms is deemed invalid, the rest remain enforceable.
  • No Partnership: These Terms do not create any form of partnership, joint venture, employment, or agency relationship between you and us.
  • No Drafting Liability: You acknowledge that these Terms will not be unfairly interpreted against us simply because we were involved in drafting them.

Open Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM

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